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SLAVIA – Slavic Initiative


There are three main language groups in Europe: Ugro-Finnic, Romano-Germanic, and Slavic. Slavic languages are spoken in twelve European countries: Belarus, ( White Russia ), Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czeck Republic, Macedonia, Poland, Russia, Serbia-Montenegro, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. Two unique Slavic languages are still spoken by the Sorbs of Lusatia in Germany, and by the Croats of Gradište in Austria. These commmunities, whose languages are spoken nowhere else, represent very special minority cultures, and have preserved their Slavic culture and indentity in their host countries. Aside from the official languages, there are many regional dialect spoken throughout Europe which are less well-known and less studied.

Slavic languages exstend over an area totalling 18 694 600 km2, and are spoken by some 294 216 600 people, not including Slavonic people living outside of Slavonic countries-for example Slavic people in states of the former Soviet Union, Baltic states, Kazakhstan, etc. The Slavic Cultural Initiative has been created as a cultural bridge, to promote awareness of Slavic languages, culture, history and traditions. It is a way for Slavic people of all origins to come to know ourselves and each other better. Those who speak one Slavic language as a mother tongue should understand and speak all the Slavic languages. These languages are our wealth.

Anyone can play a part in the Slavic Initiative, whether you live in a Slavic country or abroad. We welcome your ideas, texts, initiatives, suggestions, critiques. Write us in any Slavic language, or any other major language, especially English, which as today 's world language will be the most important means for communicating in our Slavic union. (This call we extend especially to descendants of the Slavic people living around the world, almost as numerous today as those still living in the original Slavic countries.)

We hope to organize cultural activities of all kinds, including sporting events featuring Slavic national teams. No one can deny that we play great football, hockey, basketball, handball, and other sports. Ultimately, this could lead to organizing our own SLAVIC OLYMPICS, a SLAVENIADA. We propose a world-wide MISS SLAVIA competition. No one can deny Slavic women are among the most beautiful. We will organize a SONG OF SLAVIA song competition, like we have today with the Eurovision contest song., and many other interesting events are possible. We will also propose educational programs and in the primary schools for teaching Slavic languages and culture. We will provide teaching materials and organize fun learning activities such as games and quizzes about Slavic literature, geography, history and society. No one can deny that we have a great literature, for example.

Slavia - this beautiful old slavic word will become our common name and bring us together. ………………There are great possibilities. Let' s make them happen! Slavija - the land of love, peace and freedom!